What is Rajyoga
Raj Yoga is a scientific approach to spiritual practice, which utilizes various techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and concentration to help individuals achieve a state of inner peace and harmony.
Rajyoga By Swami Vivekananda
He believed that the practice of Raj Yoga can lead to the liberation of the soul from ignorance and bondage, and enable individuals to realize their true nature as divine beings.
One of the key principles of Raj Yoga is the concept of Samadhi, which refers to a state of complete absorption in the object of meditation.
Swami Vivekananda described Samadhi as the ultimate goal of Raj Yoga, and believed that it can only be attained through the cultivation of concentration and mental discipline.
Deep Meditation
He emphasized the importance of regular practice and dedication to achieve this state of deep meditation, and believed that it can lead to profound spiritual insights and experiences.
In addition to Samadhi, Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of self-discipline, self-control, and self-awareness in the practice of Raj Yoga.
He believed that by mastering these qualities, individuals can become the masters of their own minds, and achieve a state of inner peace and contentment.
He also emphasized the importance of compassion, service, and love in the practice of Raj Yoga, and believed that it can help individuals transcend their own ego and connect with the divine.
In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda’s teachings on Raj Yoga offer a powerful and insightful approach to spiritual practice, which emphasizes the development of concentration, self-discipline, and self-awareness.
His writings provide a comprehensive understanding of the various techniques and principles of Raj Yoga, and offer a valuable resource for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and understanding.

Raj Yoga is a powerful spiritual practice that has been embraced by millions of people around the world. It is a path of yoga that emphasizes the development of concentration, calmness, and control of the mind, and has been written about extensively by Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual leader and philosopher from India.
Rajyoga By Brahma Kumaris
In addition to his teachings, another organization that has made a significant contribution to the practice of Raj Yoga is the Brahma Kumaris.
Soul Consciousness
One of the key principles of Raj Yoga as taught by the Brahma Kumaris is the concept of soul consciousness.
They believe that by focusing on the inner self and connecting with the divine spark within, individuals can experience a state of deep inner peace and contentment.
This is achieved through a variety of meditation techniques, which are designed to help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and to let go of negative patterns of thinking and behavior.

Various Names of this Yoga
Karma Yoga
You can practise remembering God even while you are going about the day’s business. That is why this yoga is called Karma Yoga.
Gyan yoga
This is also called Gyan yoga, because this kind of yoga is based on the Knowledge that we have come to acquire about the soul, the Supreme Soul and the course of the wheel of the world.
Buddhi yoga
Buddhi yoga is another name for it because in this practice we have to stabilise ourselves in communion with Him by employing our Buddhi.
Räjä yoga
And, this kind of yoga we call Räjä yoga also, because by practising it, man attains to deity-sovereignty in Heaven and, thus he becomes a ruler of those who are Rājas.
It is called Raja yoga for another reason also: it is the highest kind of yoga, the kind of all yogas, and can be practised by those also who have to rule over dominions.
Sahaj yoga
There is yet another name, viz. Sahaj yoga, because for purpose of this yoga it is not necessary to adopt any definite physical posture, nor control and regulate our breath, nor take to any hard exercises inausterity.
Sannyas yoga
And it is also called Sannyas yoga, because to practise it duly we have to renounce mentally-and not outwardly- the whole of the world around us.
At the end of Kaliyug, Incorporeal God Shiva descends incognito into the body of Old man (Brahma).
He reveals Divine Knowledge and Raja Yoga that had gone into oblivion through his lotus mouth. He (Brahma) is an example in respect of purity and divine qualities. This illustration shows that Brahmacharya, daily study of divine qualities are necessary for stabilizing mind in Raja Yoga.
Contrast between this Yoga and other kinds of Yoga
To succeed in this form of yoga, man has not to exercise renunciation of the type that the so-called Karma-Sannyasis do.
They (i.e. the latter) leave their hearth and home, and thus render their wives helpless and their children orphans.
They do not face the situation of the world and, while living in this world, cannot achieve victory over vices.
But, in this easy Raja-yoga, we have to be attuned to God even while during our routine duties.
The Karma- Sannyasis merely abandon their homes, whereas we have, while yet living in our homes, to abstract ourselves from all thoughts of our body and have also to keep our mind detached from things and persons associated with our body.
We have to completely overcome the vices and have to cultivate divine virtues in ourselves.
In conclusion
In conclusion, both Swami Vivekananda and the Brahma Kumaris have made significant contributions to the practice of Raj Yoga.
While their approaches may differ in some respects, both share a common goal of helping individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
Whether you are drawn to the teachings of Swami Vivekananda or the Brahma Kumaris, the practice of Raj Yoga offers a powerful and transformative path towards personal growth and spiritual development.