Home Poem Godly Message of Eid-Ul-Fitr (Poem)

Godly Message of Eid-Ul-Fitr (Poem)

All pray for peace, harmony, and prosperity, The hearty wish fulfilled by His Majesty  Ramadan completion celebrated worldwide,


As sacred month of Ramadan completes
Eid-Ul-Fitr makes environment so sweet
Spreading message of Brotherhood, unity
Allah changes the hell into world of tranquility

All pray for peace, harmony, and prosperity
The hearty wish fulfilled by His Majesty  
Ramadan completion celebrated worldwide
A glimpse of moon and moonlight coincide

Recitation of Quran for soul purification
Now, remember Allah for self rejuvenation
Eid desert inspires us to inculcate sweetness  
Donating to the poor before moon is its greatness

Today when vices rule the roost throughout
Allah wakes us souls, from the grave, no doubt
Body consciousness has devastated, completely
Now only Allah establishes Jannat methodically  

Entering the body of Adam or Old Man Brahma
He is the Supreme Energy, teaches divine Karma  
His spiritual knowledge makes us vice-less
Filling us with divine virtues is His Holiness

Religion, language, sovereignty all one – Masha Allah  
That is the New World called Heaven – Garden of Allah



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